One day, over the rainbow


This is a new venture, for me (yes, I know I said that last time), and I have to start by saying I made a mistake before, – I will be writing new blogs once a month. 

 If you read my last one, maybe you knew the answer to the riddle: it is dormouse.  I don’t suppose I am the only person to wish we could just go to sleep and find when we wake up that the virus had gone! But life’s not like that, as you know, and nor is the virus. What is remarkable is that many of us are learning to live in a new way. I would like to share my Covid -19 lyrics with you, so here they are.

One day, over the rainbow
losses, far and wide.
Every country, more or less
no lover at your side.

One day, over the rainbow
lockdown’s come to stay.
Covid, with a sneeze and cough
brings loneliness your way.

One day, over the rainbow
poverty will grow,
work of every sort dries up
this is what we know.

One day, over the rainbow
systems fall apart.
Every choice, either which way
will surely break your heart.

One day over the rainbow
good things will come along.
For the many, not the few,
find hope in this, my song!

That’s it for now. Do let me know if you like my lyrics. Bye!

Charlotte Sebag-Montefiore

Published by Charlotte Sebag-Montefiore

After many years working as a clinical psychologist in the NHS, I became an author. My years as a mother and grandmother gave me plenty of practice telling children stories. I have become very interested in dinosaurs and animals, and I really enjoy rhymes and riddles!

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